








1. 中式按摩:通过按压、揉捏、推擦等手法,缓解肌肉疲劳,促进血液循环,达到舒缓身心、增强免疫力的效果。

2. 泰式按摩:以泰式手法为主,结合瑜伽动作,通过拉伸、扭动等动作,帮助顾客放松肌肉,缓解压力。

3. 足疗:采用专业的足疗手法,按摩足部穴位,改善血液循环,缓解疲劳。

4. 头部按摩:针对头部穴位进行按摩,缓解头痛、失眠等问题。





1. “这里的按摩师手法真的很专业,让我感受到了放松和舒适。”

2. “环境很优雅,按摩房很私密,让我感觉就像在家里一样桑拿夜网品茶论坛http://www.zhihrs.cn。”

3. “价格合理,优惠活动也很丰富,下次还会带朋友一起来。”










1. 肩颈放松:长时间面对电脑,肩颈疼痛是许多女性的困扰。在油压SPA馆,专业的技师会针对肩颈部位进行按摩,缓解肌肉紧张,预防颈椎病。

2. 背部舒缓:背部肌肉长时间处于紧张状态,容易导致疼痛。技师运用专业的手法,为女性朋友们舒缓背部肌肉,缓解疲劳。

3. 腹部塑形:针对女性朋友的腹部脂肪,技师会采用独特的油压手法,帮助燃烧脂肪,塑造完美身材。

4. 美容养颜:油压SPA馆还提供面部护理、足部护理等美容养颜服务,让女性朋友们在享受油压的同时,肌肤得到滋养。


1. 瑞士水疗:通过水疗设备,将水流、气泡、水压等元素相结合,帮助女性朋友们舒缓身心,改善血液循环。

2. 泰式按摩:结合泰式传统按摩手法,帮助女性朋友们缓解肌肉疼痛,增强免疫力。

3. 热石按摩:利用加热后的火山石进行按摩,促进血液循环,缓解肌肉紧张。







1. 传统中医按摩:南宁按摩馆集中街区内的按摩馆,传承了我国传统的中医按摩技艺。在这里,您可以享受到专业的按摩师为您进行推拿、刮痧、拔罐等中医养生项目,缓解疲劳、改善亚健康状态。

2. 足浴养生:足浴作为一种传统的养生方式,在南宁按摩馆集中街区也得到了广泛应用。专业的足浴师会根据您的需求,为您调制合适的足浴汤,通过泡脚的方式,达到舒缓疲劳、促进血液循环的效果。

3. 美容养生:在南宁按摩馆集中街区,您还可以找到专业的美容养生馆。这里的技师会根据您的皮肤状况,为您定制个性化的美容方案,帮助您改善肤质、延缓衰老。

4. 现代科技养生:随着科技的发展,南宁按摩馆集中街区内的按摩馆也纷纷引进了现代科技设备,如红外线理疗仪、按摩床等,为顾客提供更舒适、高效的养生体验。


1. 专业技师:南宁按摩馆集中街区内的按摩馆,均拥有一批专业、资深的技师,他们经过严格的专业培训,能够为顾客提供高质量的服务。

2. 个性化服务:根据顾客的需求,南宁按摩馆集中街区内的按摩馆会提供个性化的服务方案,确保每位顾客都能享受到最适合自己的养生体验。

3. 环境舒适:南宁按摩馆集中街区内的按摩馆,均设有优雅舒适的休息区,让顾客在享受按摩服务的同时,也能感受到家的温馨。

















1. 性别不限,年龄18-45岁,身体健康,无传染性疾病。

2. 具备一定的按摩基础,有相关资格证书者优先。

3. 具有良好的沟通能力,善于倾听客户需求,提供专业、贴心的服务。

4. 有责任心,工作认真,能按时完成工作任务。

5. 可全职或兼职,时间灵活。


1. 为客户提供专业的按摩服务,包括头部、肩部、腰部、腿部等部位的按摩。

2. 根据客户需求,提供个性化的按摩方案。

3. 保持工作环境的整洁,维护良好的客户关系。


1. 基本工资+提成,待遇优厚,具体面议。

2. 提供完善的培训体系,帮助员工提升技能。

3. 定期举办员工活动,增进员工之间的沟通与交流。

4. 工作时间灵活,可根据个人时间安排。


1. 报名方式:请将个人简历、照片、相关资格证书等资料发送至邮箱:xxxxxx@xxx.com。

2. 面试时间:具体时间以电话或短信通知为准。

3. 面试地点:南宁市xxxx路xxxx号。





















1. 热爱美业:南宁的美容按摩师们对美业充满热情,他们乐于学习,不断提升自己的专业素养。

2. 责任心强:他们深知自己肩负着为顾客提供健康、美丽的重任,因此对待工作认真负责。

3. 沟通能力强:南宁的美容按摩师们善于与顾客沟通,了解他们的需求,提供个性化的服务。

4. 团队协作意识强:在美容按摩中心,每位员工都需与团队成员密切配合,共同为顾客提供优质服务。



Amao can choose a slightly easier job, can’t he?

The line of sight falls, the man’s legs whisper and the complex eyes color is gathered.
It seems that I guessed what the woman thought. The man at the table was like a crow feather with long curly eyelashes, and he trembled slightly. He looked quiet and half-blinked, but his tone was not "Grandpa Si was really good to me."
A language out of light tone smell speech zheng’s eyes is slip with sympathy.
I don’t know if she’s under the illusion. She always thinks that when Amoy said this irrelevant answer, she vaguely felt Amoy’s low mood.
Sad nai still have to be grateful.
"Cough" gently coughed. I was about to let go of the cup and got up and went to the kitchen. Two people made breakfast but didn’t want a man to break up with a pair of joints. First, I uncovered two metal boxes on the table.
"Snap" a delicate metal box suddenly hit.
As a steaming fragrance is lighter than the food fragrance, it just reacts that there are two brightly colored boxes on the table, which turned out to be insulation boxes often promoted in aristocratic advertisements.
And at this moment, the white porcelain plates in the box were filled with hot three-cure fragrance and suddenly overflowed.
Light tone see eyes surprised all directly leng seat.
It was not until I saw the man put the white porcelain plate in front of him that I slowly recovered "this is"
Amoy didn’t do this, did he?
You know, Amo is a patient with limited mobility!
She hasn’t taken care of Amoy yet, but she has been taken care of by Amoy?
"Ah Yin, try my craft." With a shallow smile on his face, the man picked up a cup on the side of the table, poured a glass of water, and then put the cup that the woman had previously drunk in front of him.
The light voice suddenly surprised, "Did you do this?"
Although I know that there are only two of them in this house, the light tone is still surprised by the people in front of me.
Although the food in front of us is simple, from her point of view, the fillings in the sandwiches are extremely rich, including shrimp meat, egg yolk and some meat sauces that you can’t tell at a glance.
Chapter 72 People can be him ()
Although she is not good at cooking, she knows at first glance that it is definitely not short to prepare these fillings.
After a pause, I looked at the sky outside the landing window and looked at the wall clock. Then I turned around and looked at the man in front of me. I was surprised than "When will you get up and do it?"
She used to get up a little earlier than her, but now she sees that food is being kept warm in front of her, and she suddenly feels that she may have misunderstood something.
"About two hours ago." Si Yunling’s eyes softened. He couldn’t wait to see the person in front of him and chat. When she woke up, she could make some breakfast.
Two hours ago? !
Light tone "!"
Seems to be aware of the female gawk man corners of the mouth once again raise a shallow radian "need to deal with too much work every day, if you don’t get up early, you won’t give grandpa a file".
Thoughtfully cut the three cures in the white porcelain plate into small pieces. The man forked up a small piece of three cures and sent it to the blue eyes of the woman’s mouth. "Ah Yin, try it quickly?"
Light tone smell speech blinked, and Zhang Xiao’s mouth fed the man to his mouth and Sanzhi ate it in his mouth.
a moment
In the dark eyes, a little surprised light came out. Looking at the front person’s eyes is even more amazing than sighing "delicious"
She has always had no requirements for food, she should be full and hygienic, and she will hardly be picky about food.
Even sang mian complained that she didn’t know how to enjoy it more than once.
Plus, she needs to keep a low profile in and out of the slum, so she won’t buy some expensive ingredients and parade around the city to avoid unnecessary trouble. Most of the time, she eats bread or cooks bowls of instant noodles to fill her stomach.
Now, looking at the dish, it looks like ordinary three cures, but every bite is full of fragrant ingredients, which makes her appetite.
Look up and look at the man in front of you. It’s really emotional to whisper in your heart.
In front of people, except for the inconvenience of legs, it is almost perfect.
It’s a plus to be gentle and polite with a prosperous beauty, and it’s even more attractive to be serious about reprocessing, and now even breakfast is so good!
Does this make people live or not?
"really?" It is considerate to hear the female compliment that the man carefully looks at Chad and feeds with a bright hand. Continue to fork another piece of Sanji and feed it to the female again. "Then Ayin must eat more."
People in front of me are really too thin.
I didn’t dare to hold my baby in my arms last night for fear that it would hurt my baby.
Now that you are ready to take it home and love the next generation, it is natural to feed it well from this moment.
"Good" looked at the man’s face in front of him with a little smile and a soft voice, and somehow felt that he was in a lot of mood and quickly opened his mouth to eat the food that the man had fed him.
a moment
Eating like a hamster, the cheeks are bulging with light sounds, and suddenly one leng, dark eyes emerge with palpitation.
Isn’t the sick man Amoy?
Why is she more like the sick one now?
Even breakfast needs feeding? !
Blink palpitation eyes light tone quickly return to absolute being, a face of cramped took the fork in the man’s hand and quickly took out the white porcelain plate in another heat preservation box and put it in front of the man’s eyes. I’m a little sorry. "Amoy, you eat quickly, too."
Breakfast was made so early, but people would rather put it in an insulated box than eat it alone first, just waiting for her to have dinner together
However, the current predecessors are taking care of her, which makes her even more distressed.
The "good" man nodded his head cleverly and obediently, and bowed his head to eat the white porcelain dish. The three treatments were to hang his eyes for a moment and slip through the blue pupil with a touch of loss.
The man look at that food on the plate in front of him has no appetite at all.
Paused in front of the faint line of sight, the cup looked at the shallow lip print at the mouth of the cup. The man silently took the cup and drank it slowly. It looked good and his thin lips were impartial, just covering the shallow lip print.

Jade Duxiu looked at the grandfathers. "I don’t want to punish the nether world for nothing, but the grandfathers have a way to fix the truth and violate the will of the world and the enemy of the world."

"It is the interest of you to jointly attack the nether world, and it is also the interest of us to help the nether world to pacify the unrest." Too easy to teach the ancestors to take their time and look at Yu Duxiu’s complicated face with a pair of eyes.
"Let’s just say that you old guys were able to escape when you started work, but you were finally frightened out of your wits. Fortunately, you came back from the reincarnation and came back again. Today, I took this opportunity to ask the ancestors for advice. I don’t know which one can teach me." Jade Duxiu looked at the ancestors with laughter.
Ladies and gentlemen, look at me. I see your face is hesitant. Father Taiping stepped out of "You come from my Taiping Road or I will accompany you for a few moves."
"In those days, my godfather was my role model. Today, I was lucky enough to have my godfather walk a few tricks and be original. I was very happy to have fulfilled a wish of that year." Jade Duxiu’s right hand shone brightly, shining with mysterious patterns, imprints and runes. The tip of the knife was more than 20 centimeters long. Jade Duxiu pinched a pair of eyes in his hand and looked at Taiyi’s godfather. "Although I used to be a brother of Taiping Dao, I was reincarnated again, and the cause and effect of Taiping Dao have all been cut off. Be careful"
"You just do it."
Chapter 1926 This can’t be too Yi Hongjun with.
There is another meaning hidden in Yu Duxiu’s words.
Although I used to be a brother of Taiping Dao, I will not show mercy to you because of the reincarnation.
"You will get what you deserve in the future by relying on the power to rebel against the overall situation of the world." Jade Duxiu took a step towards Taiping’s ancestor with a sneer at her mouth.
Overwhelming runes swept toward Jade Duxiu, and Jade Duxiu came to the front of Taiping’s ancestor with a sneer at the tip of her mouth and a slap in the face.
"Go to hell"
"Rivers in Wan Li"
The emperor’s map in the hands of the Taiping ancestor was slowly spread, and the mountains and rivers were forced to suppress the jade show.
"providence is like a knife"
Jade Duxiu urged the tip of the knife to paddle the long river, and the blink of an eye became a cover-up. It was cut down towards the Taiping ancestor, and the tip of the knife was wrapped in Tianwei, so it was impossible to violate the law. If Tianwei came, it would be awesome.
"What a horrible avatar"
A bright light flashed across Taiping’s ancestor and he looked at Jade Duxiu with shock in his eyes.
A cry of the imperial picture fell into the arms of the Taiping ancestor, and a bloody silk thread slowly emerged from the tip of the Taiping ancestor’s nose and extended towards him.
The brains burst, and half of Taiping’s father’s head was cut off by Yu Duxiu.
"Hung-chun avatar is really borne to the ground, even if it is detached from the strong, you can’t walk out of a round." Looking at the restoration of the physical body, Taiping’s ancestor Tai Dou’s ancestor came out
Jade Duxiu shook his head. "I’m not the Taiping ancestor who underestimated me. I’m still the Taiping Taoist brother who can be easily crushed to death."
"Your idea is too extreme. If you were in another situation, would you cultivate a brother who is full of doubts?" Taidou jiaozu exhortation
Jade Duxiu shook his head. "Forget it in those days. I don’t want to say that today, this nether world passage is made by myself. Whoever wants to destroy the nether world passage is my enemy Taoist. If you want to make a move, you just take the opportunity to ask Taoist for advice."
Watching Yu Duxiu’s godfather turn the palm of his hand over the vast Milky Way, "Since you want to ask for advice, I will become you."
After Tai Dou finished, he saw that Jade Duxiu grabbed the initiative and shot the tip of the knife and stabbed Tai Dou’s godfather.
Grandfather Tai Dou didn’t say much, and the vast Milky Way in his hand was thrown towards Jade Duxiu and severely suppressed.
Jade Duxiu has a cold light in his eyes. "Although you are good at the stars, you may not be my opponent. If you get my job, you will see a real star power."

Gorodekov, commander of the East Siberian regiment on the north bank of Heilongjiang Province, was furious at the Tsar’s urging to March one after another. Some small frictions have made it difficult to suppress his ambition and anxiety

Gorodekov roared, "Order the First Army to send out for me to kill all China people in Jiangdong Jiangbei and confiscate their property!"
Gorodekov ordered the cruel Russian army to rush out of the camp and began.
The north bank of Heilongjiang raised its butcher’s knife to China people.
In just a few days, first, more than 5,000 China residents were driven to the Heilongjiang River by the Ministry like ducks, and they were slaughtered by the Russian army. All the wealth of China residents in Hailanpao was as high as 10 million taels, and the silver department was transported into the Russian military headquarters. Two days later, there was another massacre in sixty-four villages in Jiangdong. More than 7,000 China people were driven out of their villages by Russian troops, deported to the banks of Heilongjiang, and their bodies were brutally tortured and directly thrown into Heilongjiang. The whole Heilongjiang River became red!
The tragedy on the other side of Heilongjiang was photographed by local reporters abroad, and it was first shown to the world.
Zhang Yihu was closest to the 64th regiment in Jiangdong. The senior generals saw these photos for the first time. There were mountains of dead bodies, blood everywhere and the brown-red "color" river water that stung Zhang Yihu.
Immediately, Zhang Yihu burst into tears. These are all his hometown folks. I am a native of Northeast Han!
Jiang Baili picked up the newspaper and watched it carefully by Li Gang and Tang Keqiang.
At this time, Zhang Yihu rose to his feet and shouted, "Make all brigade commanders immediately go to the headquarters to discuss the old man’s revenge!" Immediately launch the most violent offensive against the Russian army and give me a dog day! "
Li Gang Tang Keqiang tore the newspaper to pieces and swore that he would send troops immediately, even if he died, many people would cross Heilongjiang and slaughter the Russian army opposite!
one side
Jiang Baili a bad heart now so furious how can a few people also command the army?
Jiang Baili roared, "Commander Li, teachers Tang, calm down. Now the more furious you are, the more likely you are to make mistakes! Calm down! "
Zhang Yihu’s eyes were bloodshot and roared, "Jiang Baili, how can you calm me down? Thousands of people have died tragically. This is a bitter hatred. I won’t write the words upside down after Gorodekov’s eggs are smashed!"
Jiang Baili cried, "How do you fight? Can we get past Heilongjiang? Calm down. If we go to war in a rage, we will suffer even greater losses in the end! "
Zhang Yihu grabbed Jiang Baili by the collar and shouted, "Then how can you beat you? Aren’t you a little Zhuge? There is no good way to chop up the sea fish all the time!"
Jiang Baili looked at the three people who were furious and had to say, "Commander, we can make the news public at the swearing-in meeting, so that the soldiers can be United and then care!"
Zhang Yihu said savagely, "Now, you should immediately order the soldiers to lecture yourself!"
Angry Zhang Yihu directly cut off his little finger in front of the soldiers of the first regiment, regardless of opposing bleeding. The right hand shouted, "Brothers, Russia is a beast. Nearly 10,000 fellows were slaughtered and 10,000 properties were looted! So deadly, the old man swears not to kill the Russian ghost department opposite! "
Soldiers of the first regiment
In front of the pictures, the situation of his commander’s swearing is crazy. The whole first regiment is the most’ fine’ sharp force of the Chinese revolutionary army. They all came out from the battlefield after shopping. man of iron gnashed his teeth and denounced the whole first regiment’s camp.
Zhang Yihu shouted, "Immediately ask the three artillery regiments staying by the river to give me all the firepower. Don’t spare the shells to hit me to death and blow up the Russian positions on the other side of Heilongjiang!"
Zhang Yihu was outraged. Now Zhang Yi in Tongzhou also received a tip from Fengtian. Zhang Yi was so angry that he gave himself a slap in the face first. He was a waste. They didn’t know about the Hailanpao massacre and the sixty-four Tun massacre in Jiangdong. Didn’t they know that they didn’t make a little arrangement? Thousands of lives were killed. It was their negligence that killed the Russian butcher knife!
Aside, Cai E Shi Yun was shocked to see that Zhang Yi had given himself a loud slap. What news did the president see?
Shi Yun quickly hugged Zhang Yi’s hand and asked hastily, "What happened to Jian? What are you doing?"
Cai E also quickly asked, "What happened to the president? What happened!"
Zhang Yi stamped her foot and said, "Old people forgot about it. The Russian army across the Heilongjiang River actually killed us. Nearly ten thousand people in China koo’s blood were dyed red in Heilongjiang. The Russian ghost is terrible! I’ll never stop until I kill you all! Cai E gave me an immediate order that from today on, every battle will meet Russia.
Don’t always ask the Russian head to pay homage to thousands of villagers and elders without a prisoner! "
Cai E froze thousands of people, nearly ten thousand people. It’s a blood debt! Cai E shouted, "It’s the president!" Zhang Yi Youzi didn’t give up and shouted, "And immediately send a message to Ling Qing to ask him not to wait and immediately implement my plan!"
Chapter six hundred and ten The end of Vladivostok!
Jilin Lingqing is holding the Fengtian Times in his hand. He has been cursing for a whole afternoon. The sixty-tun massacre in Jiangdong made his eyes red!
Just then the staff officer rushed in and said, "Commander Commander! The president sent a report from! "
Ling Qing grabbed it with one hand. At this time, if the president comes, he will even let himself do it!
Sure enough, the newspaper just wrote a few words, don’t wait any longer, do it for me immediately, and always charge some interest first!
Ling Qing has been "excited" in his heart for half a month. On the one hand, the Russian army near Vladivostok has not been finished, and on the other hand, the president has never given him an order. He dare not advocate such a thing without Zhang Yi’s warrant-
Now in Vladivostok, the Russian army has finished the basic knot, and the surrounding area of Vladivostok has already married 40 thousand troops in Vladivostok alone, and the time is ripe for the high-level department of the Pacific Fleet of the Far East Corps to settle in Vladivostok!
Ling Qing will hand over the newspaper to the staff officer and drink, "When the newspaper is received, make the army immediately March to the Jilin border and be ready to cross the border and launch a general attack on the Russian army opposite!"
The staff was taken aback and said, "There are at least 10,000 Russian troops across from the commander. Let’s just attack rashly with two divisions. This is different from throwing eggs at stones!"
LingQing scold a way "you know a fart! I want the border before noon the day after tomorrow.
See all the soldiers of the second regiment! Go away! "
Ling Qing scolded the staff officer and personally opened the "door" of the war room. There is a line here. This is what Zhang Yi personally "handed over" to him on the single-line telegraph machine!
Ling Qing entered the war room, started the tip, sat next to the tip machine and started sending the tip!
Just a word, start the plan on time in the early morning of July 24!
Ling Qing sent the newspaper out to confirm that he accidentally’ drew’ his sabre and cut off the middle line with a knife reading machine! Then walked out of the war room!
July 24th!
This is a question that needs to be remembered, whether it is for Russia or for the Republic of China, and the most important thing is for Vladivostok.
Now the war has reached the most critical moment. At midnight, almost the whole Vladivostok has fallen into silence, and the Russian Far East Army Command has also been dark. The surrounding Russian troops are still patrolling and monitoring everything in the city.
The clock hour hand has pointed to the most silent moment at two o’clock in the morning. Huo Ran burst out with terror and said
The first explosion was the Vladivostok Governor’s Office, that is, almost all the houses of the Far East Army Command were lifted up in an instant, and several residual limbs and broken arms were accompanied by smoke from bricks and tiles for a long time!
The big bang was more violent than the big bang!
Followed by Vladivostok bomb’ medicine’ library!
Vladivostok barracks!
Vladivostok wall!
There are violent explosions everywhere!
Countless Russian soldiers were sent to hell in their dreams!
There is sadness everywhere.
Shirley screams purgatory! This is the end of Vladivostok, and the whole explosion in Vladivostok lasted until the dawn.